This web site is meant to be fun! We offer an advertising–free zone and gorgeous photos of what? Ducks! Are you serious? Yes, we are. We think you will enjoy the ducks and what they can teach us.

Choosing a new career path may be quite a challenge, but it also presents a great opportunity for progress. Here we connect you to some good web sites to get you underway. Take a look at our Duck Facts section as we look to one of nature's most mundane creatures, the humble duck, for inspiration.

Then head over to Wise Words in the side bar and learn from some wise people. There's lots more, so let's get underway. I hope you will see how each individual is able to set his or her own course and deserves to thrive.

Home duck


The word duck comes from Old English dūce “diver”, a derivative of the verb dūcan “to duck, bend down low as if to get under something, or dive.” Wikipedia


There are lots of good web sites for the potential career-changer.

We wish you well on your journey!